Once a Saint,
Always a Saint!
Dr. Randy James,
Campus Minister & Bible Teacher
Harvest Administrator 2003 - Present
Greetings Saints! It's time to reconnect! We are excited to hear from you as we begin the 30th year for HCA!
Connect below, so you can Join the Fun!

Kayla Helmstetter,
Harvest Lantana Alumni
HCA Graduating Class of 2022
Don't miss out on fun information, like Homecoming dates and upcoming graduations!
iykyk. If you know, you know!

Share Your Story!
Submit a story, event, or update about yourself, your child, or fellow alumni to be featured in a Harvest publication, on the Harvest website, or throughout Harvest social media. We would love to stay up to date with life events, for example, weddings, births, graduations, career milestones, and other exciting moments in your life!
Grace Jones recently graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado! Grace earned a Bachelor of Science in English and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force! We are Proud of You Emma!
Once a Saint, Always a Saint!

Emma Grace Jones,
Harvest Class of 2018

Harvest Class of 2012
Attended Harvest 1999-2012
I attended Harvest from Kindergarten through graduating high school in 2012. It was in 2008 during Spiritual Emphasis week that I gave my life to Jesus and started to follow God fully.
The influence and guidance under my teachers, especially Dr. James I realized that I was called to be in full time ministry. I started to have the privilege to speak and share in chapels, I had the opportunity to lead Bible studies, and I was shown how to lead and disciple people. After I graduated in 2012 I went to Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. In 2013 I started serving at a church plant called Radiant Church.
Over the next few years I served in a variety of roles and eventually taking over the youth ministry in 2017. When I started the youth ministry had 20 students and at the end we had over 200 students involved in the youth group in 2022. Dozens of students gave their life to Jesus, and many of them called into full time ministry pursing degrees in ministry.
My current role is to now take over as the Location Pastor for our Westchase Campus. For Radiant this is campus number 8 and we are having the opportunity to see close to a hundred decisions for Jesus since we launched in January and we have watched marriages restored, the next generation reached for Jesus, and seen people be activated in their calling.
All of it always goes back to that freshman year kid, sitting at Spiritual Emphasis week hearing from God my life was changed forever. I am blessed to look back at the lessons I learned at Harvest Christian Academy that prepared me for where I am today.
John Bothe,
Harvest Alumni
HCA Graduating Class of 2012
Attended Harvest 1999 - 2012

Your Story is Important to us!
Submit a story, event, or update about yourself, your child, or fellow alumni to be featured in a Harvest publication, on the Harvest website, or throughout Harvest social media. We would love to stay up to date with life events, for example, weddings, births, graduations, career milestones, and other exciting moments in your life!